Sunday, December 21, 2008

First Blog Posting

Ok, so this is my first post not even sure how this damn thing works. Batman turned me on to this seeing as he has a blog along with T and they are always telling me what is on their blogs and how I am suppose to read them and be enlightened by them. So I do read them Batman is funny as always and T is well lets just say T needs to have a baby to complete her life. Perfect Body, Perfect husband, perfect dog, perfect job...but no kid so there life for some reason is incomplete. GD, guy goes over fixed their vent in the bathroom places lights on the Christmas tree helps put lights on the house and do i get a thanks, no. But Batman get to make love all night because he is the greatest husband on the planet.....puke. Give me a break. Sorry Batman and T. Had to bitch about something why not you.

Well seeing as how this is becoming a bitch session might as well just keep it going. So my DW and kids are going to go look at lights with my sister and the God Parents. Just prior to everyone going we are waiting for the GP to get here. The kids start to get a little crazy in the house so I send them outside to play in the snow. Five minutes, five stinking minutes later my middle child comes in the house covered in snow and crying, mind you she is kind of a heart on her sleeve kind of kid so everything is a big deal. Middle child syndrom I guess. Some one tells me that 83 percent of strippers are middle children....Great so for Christmas should I get her a brass pole and some knee high boots just to get a jump on the new job. Well I guess I have 10 more years before I have to worry about seeing her at a show in vegas. Anyways, she comes in crying. I ask what happened and she tells me the oldest threw the sled at her face. Now I can see he hit me with a snow ball but the sled, really do you need to throw the sled at her face. So I go out to solve the problem like my abusive parents would have, five fingers of justice. I barely get started and then the DW comes out and starts in on me how that never solves anything. I guess I am suppose to put them in time out or make them write me a story about how what they did was wrong and how they will not do it again. I think sometimes a belt to the butt might solve some of the sadness. Needless to say the trip to the lights was a complete wash we both started fighting on the way there and the while we were there. So I walked back to the car while everone was in there gardens looking at the lights...Got to the car and kept on walking 2 and half mile to be exact by the time they were tired of looking at lights and pist because I was not there when it was time to go. Guess I needed the fresh air so i did not blow up on the wife and kids anymore then I had already.

I get the email with a link in it to the funniest video I have ever seen. you have to see it. It is called Jizz in my pants you can find it on you tube or I just down loaded it from I tunes. O my god I have not stopped crying yet. If I can figure out how to post it on my blog I will but seeing as I can not even figure out how to post this stupid letter then I think you are all shit out of luck.

Later all

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