Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday the 13th

Bah humbug-

I hate when Friday the 13th comes around. Not someone that likes the scary movies. I am not someone that likes to be scared. Now I have been over seas, meet people that wanted to kill me. and when I say that I am not kidding. Mind you they were going to jail so i felt pretty safe. None the less they were people that wanted me dead. I have seen some pretty damn big spiders, things that make you wonder why in the world God would create these things. well they just creep me out, cuz there big for gosh sake. But I do not like to be scared. My wife thinks it is funny as hell to jump out from behind a door and scare the poop right out of me. Makes my heart race fast and I get mad. I know she loves to do it. It s the little things in life that make us all happy. But I hate the scary movies. So I am flipping through the channels on the TV tonight and what is on but Freddy vs Jason. So I go back to watching my favorite show Extreame Home Makeover. Right, but i have to flip back and forth to this stupid show. Just so I can get freaked out. Why in the world do people make movies like this. Hate it. But for so stupid reason i have to flip back and forth to this dang show. Have I said I hate it... Now I sit in the house all quiet, freaked out. Thinking I hear things in every room. Hate it..i am going back to EHM. Love that show. Good night and God Bless

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